2008. október 11., szombat

Sighthound Club Show and Sighthound Speciality Show

Here is our little black boy - New Hibryd Black Mamba Fusion. I'm very proud of him. On a HAK Club Show he won a Best Male Baby and Best Baby by judge: Barbara Ruth Smith (USA), on a Speciality he became Best Male Baby by judge: Carla Molinari (P)

And our little italien girl Fibi - Almaglo Noire Desiree - on a HAK Club Show she won a Best Bitch Puppy and Best Puppy, and won a Baby-Puppy BIS by judge: Abboderrahim el Baroudi (MA).

On a Speciality she became Best Bich Puppy and Best puppy, and won a Baby-Puppy BIS by judge: Göran Bodegard (S).

Our Centi - Faricka Innocent Instict - on both days HPJ - Best Young Male and at the club show he won Junior Club Winner.

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